For the restaurant business, furniture is an important resource for attracting new visitors and maintaining the loyalty of guests who have already visited your establishment. Restaurant furniture plays the role of an important element of communication with the consumer, letting him know what to expect from the establishment. High-quality and beautiful furniture tells the potential visitor what level of service awaits him, the design creates a special atmosphere, which in synergy with other factors creates a “restaurant atmosphere” for which the consumer pays.
An experienced restaurateur, realizing the importance of high-quality design and furniture for restaurants and cafes, skillfully uses the interior as an element of business strategy. Choosing interior solutions for an establishment is a complex process in which it is very easy to make a mistake. The furniture industry offers a huge range of furniture, which makes it difficult for an inexperienced restaurateur to make the right choice. Focusing solely on the price of furniture, you can easily fall for sweet prices, and as a result, choose not expensive, but low-quality goods, on the other hand, relying solely on quality, it is easy to run into unreasonably expensive products that will last a long time, but greatly reduce the profitability of the business.
Only by relying on a wealth of experience, you can choose products that will serve the objectives of your business. In this article, we've compiled a number of tips to help you make fewer mistakes and create the conditions under which your business will thrive. General rules when choosing furniture:
The Sandalyeci brand produces high-quality furniture that has earned a good reputation with restaurateurs around the world.
Depending on the distribution of areas of attention, establishments can be divided into several groups:
In restaurants, the areas of interest and interaction of visitors are evenly distributed throughout the hall, in bars, there is an important center of attention for visitors - the bar counter. It is from here that the formation of the entire architectural ensemble in the place and the choice of furniture begins.
The bar is the architectural and stylistic center of the establishment, from which the zones of interest of visitors radiate in waves. The most active and highly social consumers will strive as close to the center as possible, and the further the zone is located from the counter, the more intimate and calm the guest gets. This is not a universal rule and decisions vary from place to place, but in most cases, this trend continues.
Depending on the positioning of the establishment, it can be divided into several groups:
A small average check in this segment is easily compensated by low expectations and a large number of visitors, such establishments offer a relatively low price for their services. In this segment, it is critically important to optimize maintenance costs, this applies not only to business processes and work with personnel but also to interior solutions. Convenience and design play a significant role in this segment, but first of all, pay attention to wear-resistant and durable solutions. It is important to understand that these are not necessarily cheap solutions. frequent breakdowns and rapid wear and tear from a large flow of visitors entail additional costs.
The formats of the establishments in this segment are very flexible. In one city, you can find several art cafes with huge average checks and a high level of service adjacent to the low-class art cafes, which, within their format, compete with the first ones in terms of profit. When visiting such a place, the consumer expects that the environment in which he finds himself will echo his mood, entertain him, and create additional opportunities for socialization.
The flow of visitors in such establishments is lower than in the first one; the interior of establishments from this group, first of all, should stimulate an increase in the average check. Restaurateurs have a whole deck of tricks for this. When choosing furniture, remember that even in a relatively inexpensive establishment, the consumer expects a special attitude and furniture products in this case are a great opportunity to demonstrate this attitude.
The restaurateurs working in this segment are both brilliant artists and mathematicians. The stakes in this group are incredibly high, but the game is often worth the candle. In the premium segment, every mistake can be fatal, so the highest demands are made in front of the entire team and the interior of the establishment. VIP guests expect the best in everything, including interior solutions.
When choosing furniture for this segment, it is important to pay attention to the operational requirements dictated by the format of the establishment. Guests' expectations will not allow you to do without high-quality products, but at the same time, it is important to choose models that will be easy to maintain and update for staff. For example, you can buy high-quality Italian plastic patio furniture that would serve you for decades, but the inconvenient storage system and the need to do this every evening will lead to financial losses in the first year. Try to anticipate such moments.
It is important to understand that the division is conditional, and in order to increase the attractiveness and profitability of the place, the work formats are mixed.
The TANGO Lounge chair offers endless possibilities for improvisation.
The first and important step in determining the list of expectations and tasks for the entire interior of the establishment is the creation of a design project. Determine the format and target audience for the place, carefully work out this issue with the foreman and designer. The involvement of both specialists is important. At the planning stage, the foreman plays the role of a voice of common sense, the main goal of which is to optimize your expenses during the construction and operation of the establishment. At the same time, it is the designer who defends the interests of consumers and seeks to create a space to which the visitor will want to return.
A good foreman always strives to reduce costs, and a designer strives not to express himself through interior solutions, but to create an ergonomic emotional and social zone that will bring new visitors and broadcast the policy of your place to visitors, even before they try the dishes and service in your establishment.
A design project implies not only architectural and design solutions adapted to the requests of your potential customers, but also all stylistic solutions used in the work, and must also first study all business processes that will take place in the place. Only in this case, you will be able to fully study the upcoming workflow, and even at the planning stage, avoid many mistakes.
It is important to understand that there are no perfect solutions. Planning a new establishment is always a game of chess against circumstances, many decisions are dictated by the initial state of the building in which the establishment is being built, or, for example, the state of the industry and market in a particular city.
When choosing furniture for a restaurant, research your competitors. Pay attention to establishments focused on the same social group as your future establishment. Pay attention to the design and interior solutions that they use in their work, and think about how you can do better.
Any concept can be made better. At the same time, it is your style and vision that should be transmitted in everything, otherwise, the sophisticated consumer will quickly see through the imitator in you.
The main furniture items used in a restaurant - tables, chairs, sofas - in restaurants are usually large in size to create additional comfort.
Unlike a cafe, the following furniture features are important for a restaurant in Chisinau:
The format of a café establishment implies constant demand, which is achieved by a very delicate balance of service, cooking, and interior design. It is also a place where you can satisfy your hunger with a quick snack, spend time talking with friends, and invite a girl out on a date, or sit quietly at your laptop.
A variety of furniture for a cafe in Chisinau will make your stay comfortable and pleasant for the widest possible group of consumers. Choose products that can simultaneously satisfy the largest possible number of requests of your visitors, while maintaining the format of the concept of a place and having the appropriate performance characteristics.
Speaking of style, if the concept does not require special solutions, choose a neutral, style that will not annoy visitors. At the same time, the design should be memorable, the easiest way to achieve this is by design solutions not related to furniture, create “zones of interest” in the establishment using a variety of decor and design solutions.
A cafe is a place with high traffic and setting requirements for comfort, therefore, when choosing furniture, rely on the following factors:
When choosing furniture, give priority to light and compact solutions with increased reliability. Explore the experiences of local and foreign restaurateurs, look for brands that make products specifically for restaurants and cafes.
An excellent solution is a wooden furniture, or furniture from a metal frame, the design of which makes it easy to disassemble and reassemble products.
It is also very important for a cafe to have upholstered furniture in certain areas. In a cafe, space plays an important role, therefore, priority is given to relatively small-sized products with fabric or eco-leather upholstery.
For the terrace of a cafe or restaurant, it is better to use plastic products. Products of a number of brands from high-quality plastic create high-comfort zones. It is important to choose terrace furniture that can be easily stored overnight, moved around the terrace, and will not fade in the sun.
Flux brand products add flexibility to any space and unlock the hidden potential of the establishment.
The style of the furniture is dictated by the format and place. Usually, we are talking about one style solution, which only slightly changes depending on the tasks of a particular zone.
You must rely on your designer to choose your furniture style. Often entrepreneurs choose a style of furniture that is dictated by their personal understanding of taste, completely forgetting that hundreds of different people will visit the establishment every day, and each of them should like the establishment as a product.
The style and task of the establishments can be divided into several groups:
Casual style and anti-cafe are also popular formats. Stylish in design, it allows you to create a functional space that will satisfy both the tasks of your business and your consumer.
The concept of the establishment can also be dictated by the cuisine, for example, in a Thai or Japanese restaurant, it is worth keeping the furniture in the style typical for the respective country. In this case, in the place you will create harmony and create a special atmosphere, the style of the interior will complement the sensations presented by the culinary masterpieces of your chefs.